Trini Mini started in 2009 with an idea that Holy Trinity could fill a need in the lives of a growing number of elementary age children by providing a safe and structured after school program. Receiving help with homework, participating with recreational activities with other children, making crafts, listening to a children’s story read aloud and eating a snack – these are some of the activities at no cost that the children enjoy.
We have grown from one child on that first day in 2009 to an average of 25 children of elementary school age. Volunteers include retired classroom and physical education teachers, as well as other adults who believe in putting children first. All volunteers have the required background clearances.
During the school year Trini Mini meets on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 3:30 – 5:30. For more information, please call the church office at 717-733-4134.
167 East Main Street • Ephrata, PA 17522
(717) 733-4134